Ray-BanJustin RB 4165 710/13 small
If standing out from the crowd is something you like to do then you need to find some sunglasses that fit in with your extrovert look. Protection from the sun is important too, UV light from the sun can cause damage to your eyes, so good quality sunglasses are a must. If you are into sports or other outdoor activities, you will find that sunglasses will improve performance in very bright conditions where your vision would normally be affected.
These Ray-Ban Justin sunglasses in the size Small come with 51mm wide lenses, a 16mm wide bridge and 145mm long earpieces. They will not only make you stand out from the crowd but will give you an image showing style and class. Vibrant colours are used in this collection to create a highly contrasting appearance. So everyone knows you own a pair of Ray-Ban's, the famous logo is clearly shown on the lens.
All of the glasses you purchase from Mister Spex come with a very high-quality lens. These lenses have been strengthened for extra-long life. They have also been treated with an anti-reflective coating to avoid glare. All lenses also come with full UV protection so that you and your family can enjoy the sun without risk of damage to the eyes.